The Plumeria is a traditionally tropical plant with h4ly scented flowers. The Plumeria is also called Franchipani which refers to the 16th century Marquis Franchipani, the Italian inventor of perfume based on the scent of this plant. Since his invention, the scent of this plant is still used in the perfume industry. The original Plumeria is found all over the world in tropical areas and has different meanings in various countries. In Hawaii, for example, women wear this flower behind their ears, on the right when they are looking for a man and on the left when they are ‘occupied’.

The Plumeria enjoys a warm and sunny location. A spot in full sun or in semi-shade a few meters from a window on the east or west is ideal. The plant can also be placed in front of a window on the north. If you want to place it near a south-facing window, take enough distance.
The Plumeria does not need much water. Do not water until the soil has dried out.The flowers of the plant will leave a sweet scent. During the flowering season it is wise to give some extra plant nutrition once every 2 weeks.
Originally the Plumeria comes from tropical Central and South America.
If the Plumeria suffers from vermin, it is wise to control it as soon as possible using a biological or if desired a chemical pesticide.